Department of Physiology

Physiology: "a Beauty and a Philosophy”.  
        “What other person, whether he be a theologian, a jurist, a doctor of medicine, a physicist, or whatever, knows more than you, a physiologist, about life?  For physiology is indeed an explanation of life. What other subject matter is more fascinating, more exciting, more beautiful than the subject of life.”
        Arthur C. Guyton president’s address to the American Physiological Society in 1975

Department Mission:
The mission of the Department of Physiology is to conduct programs of teaching and research in physiology that contribute to the training of medical candidates and postgraduate level research scientists stressing the importance and necessity of understanding the function of cells, tissues and organs in health and their implication in  disease.
Department Objectives:
  • To provide up to date information on physiology to medical undergraduate students.
  • To build and maintain a post graduate physiology program designed to educate and train students to be competent research scientists and teachers of physiology.
  • To establish a research program that will be committed to generate new knowledge and understanding of complex physiological functions and translate this knowledge to improve health and disease prevention.